Naruto is a manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto whose main character a teenager named Uzumaki Naruto.The wide acceptance of Naruto sleeve favored his conversion to a series of anime transmitted, also with great success by television TV Tokyo.
Ninja, a fighting game that has three characters: the above-mentioned Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura Uchiba, three aspirants to become in great warriors.
In the village of Konoha, located in Tierra del Fuego, a demon llamadazo Kyuubi seeks to destroy the universe, something that will prevent young Naruto and his friends to show their technique in martial arts.The program, with winds of manga and excellent graphics, ensures fun.
*Provisionally, the description of this program has been directly taken from an external spanish translator, non-related to We are working hard in order to personally translate every single description properly, as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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